What's the fastest way to get from Davis Square to Boston's business district during rush hour?
Taking the T, according to results from Tuesday's Rush Hour Race.
Hosted by the LivableStreets Alliance and the Somerville Bicycle Committee, the Rush Hour Race pitted five types of commuters against each other: A driver, a T rider, a cyclist, a runner and an in-line skater.
The challenge was to get from Redbones in Davis Square to Dewey Square, outside South Station, during rush hour. Racers took off at 8 a.m. Tuesday morning.
According to results posted by LivableStreets on Twitter, the T rider won.
The driver lost big time.
Steve Annear, a freelance reporter who rode along with the cyclist, posted on Twitter the following results from the race, representing how long it took for each contestant to finish:
Last year, during the first Rush Hour Race, a biker, a T rider and a driver raced from Davis Square to Kendall Square. The cyclist won that race, finishing in 20 minutes. The T rider finished second, in 29 minutes, and the driver came in third, in 32 minutes, according to Boston.com.